We are one of FOE's local groups, organised like other groups in Wales through FOE Cymru, whose office is in Cardiff - Castle Arcade Balcony, tel 029 20229577. Contact us, Barry&Vale FoE via greenkeith 'at' virginmedia.com, tel. 07716 895973

Monday, 26 November 2018

FoE lobbies Jane Hutt AM over the M4 mega-roadbuild

Our deputation saw the Vale AM, Jane Hutt, at her recent surgery to press opposition to the M4 'relief' road through the Gwent Levels.
# it's a very high cost, displacing other very worthwhile projects; the £1500 million is just a starting figure, to be increased by 3-years inflation, adding on VAT to over £1700million plus cost over-runs (50% common on major road projects).  Jane agreed from her time as Finance Minister that Wales cannot reclaim the VAT.
# 'Active travel ' measures were hardly considered at the Inquiry, yet Bus and Metro enhancements all show much higher benefit:cost ratio.  The Inquiry Inspector just narrowly followed the Westminster (and Welsh) planning rules and accepted the flawed modelling of car use and cost-saving
# Removal of the Severn Bridge tolls will increase traffic with the environmental costs in air pollution and extra CO2 emissions; the Welsh Government has an obligation to combat these - the High Court requires soonest possible action - so must introduce measures to restrict and deter car use, which would have to reduce existing traffic levels.
# The Future Generation Act requires projects like the M4 to show environmental gain as well as economic gain.  This project's environmental disbenefit makes it unlawful, as the FG Commissioner argues.
# the Welsh Assembly has to consider the aspects ignored by the Inquiry so should insist on referring the project to a full scrutiny process - to cover the wider active travel measures, the inadequacies of government modelling and the FG Act - rather than rush to decision as Carwyn Jones wants before he quits as First Minister pre-Xmas.

Keith Stockdale said for FoE Barry&Vale that Jane Hutt seemed most positive to our arguments; she stressed she's opposed to the Pendoylan link to the M4.  We would encourage others to write and/or lobby her in the next week or so over the Newport M4 decision.

1 comment:

  1. CALM on twitter:
    Join us to say #NoNewM4, 12.30pm, Tues 4th Dec
    outside the Senedd, Cardiff Bay.
    Our rally is an urgent call for Wales to take a fresh path – fit for all of us today,
    Please RT. Please be there.
    #SaveTheGwentLevels #StopClimateBreakdown
    CALM on Twitter
