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Friday, 28 February 2020

SUCCESS! Council comes out firmly against Biomass Incinerator

 All but one of the Vale of Glam Councillors voted on Wed. 27th to
1 Share public concern that no EIA was ever done
2 Review all VoG planning decisions on the incinerator
3 Urge Welsh Govt to issue a Discontinuance Order
4 Consider the expediency of taking enforcement action
This massive industrial plant, close to homes, has no valid planning permission.
Many Conditions on the Outline permission are still unmet, and the buildings differ.
They have to re-start with
 a proper EIA for a DNS application, or just give up.
The Welsh Minister has to do what she has been avoiding since last April when her Planning officers advised her to issue a Discontinuance Order to comply with her duty to prevent the plant operating without EIA.

The Council Motion's 4th point was amended from the original moved by Cllr Vince Bailey that specified the cessation of all operations on site.  These words were copied from their own Planning Officer who warned the company that 
the only remedy to such a breach of planning control would be to require the removal of the development in its entirety or, at the very least, the cessation of all operations on site.
That is what the public is expecting, now that the Incinerator is in breach of a whole slew of Conditions on the 2015 outline planning consent.  The Vale officers allowed them to breach conditions on noise, emissions and no nightime working when constructing the plant.  At last the Councillors have stepped firmly against this lawless company.

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